Copper Mountain offering refunds, vouchers for 2019-20 pass holders

By Taylor SienkiewiczSummit Daily

Copper Mountain Resort announced Thursday that it has officially closed for the remainder of the 2019-20 season, while also saying it would offer vouchers and refunds for skiers impacted.

The resort’s newly formed Passholder Promise offers a voucher to anyone who purchased a 2019-20 season pass, four-pack or premier pass and can be applied to any 2020-21 season, four-pack or premier pass through April 25, 2021.

Vouchers will be based on the value of the pass purchased. For example, adult season pass holders and adult premiere pass holders will receive a $100 voucher while child season pass holders and child premier pass holders will receive a $60 voucher. Four-pack vouchers are based on the number of days used, with benefits ranging from a bonus day to a $249 voucher for people who didn’t ski.

A refund policy also will be available for all 2020-21 season, four-pack and premiere pass holders, which allows pass holders to request a full refund on or before Dec. 10 if they are concerned about or impacted by COVID-19.

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